COMSPHERE 392xPlus Modems
4-54 November 1996 3920-A2-GN31-30
Table 4-11
(2 of 5)
Leased Line Configuration Options— Singleport Mode A
LeasedLine Rate: 28800(V34) (Cont.)
4800(V27bis), 2400(V27bis) – This modulation scheme is available on 2-wire (half-duplex) and 4-wire leased lines.
NOTE: It is recommended that both modems use the same fixed data rate.
NOTE: The modem must be in Direct mode before the modulation scheme can be changed from V.32bis, V.34 family,
or TMp to another leased-line modulation (V.33, V.29, or V.22bis). See Err Contrl Mode configuration option for
more about Direct mode. On leased lines, V.42 error control and Buffer mode are only supported by V.32bis,
V.34 family, or TMp. An error occurs if the modem is not in Direct mode when the modulation is changed from
V.32bis, V.34 family, or TMp.
The AT command is S-Register S44=
, where
1 = 14,400 (V.32bis) 14 = 7200 (V.29) 23 = 7200 (TMp) 32 = 19,200 (V.34)
2 = 12,000 (V.32bis) 15 = 4800 (V.29) 24 = 4800 (TMp) 33 = 16,800 (V.34)
3 = 9600 (V.32bis) 16 = 4800 (V.27bis) 25 = 2400 (TMp) 34 = 14,400 (V.34)
4 = 7200 (V.32bis) 17 = 2400 (V.27bis) 26 = 33,600 35 = 12,000 (V.34)
5 = 4800 (V.32bis) 18 = 19,200 (V.32 terbo) 27 = 31,200 36 = 9600 (V.34)
6 = 2400 (V.22bis) 19 = 16,800 (V.32 terbo) 28 = 28,800 (V.34) 37 = 7200 (V.34)
11 = 14,400 (V.33) 20 = 19,200 (TMp) 29 = 26,400 (V.34) 38 = 4800 (V.34)
12 = 12,000 (V.33) 21 = 14,400 (TMp) 30 = 24,000 (V.34) 39 = 2400 (V.34)
13 = 9600 (V.29) 22 = 9600 (TMp) 31 = 21,600 (V.34)
Leased Mode: 4WLL-Ans
Nxt 4WLL-Ans 4WLL-Orig 2WLL-Orig 2WLL-Ans
Leased Mode. Sets the modem for either 2-wire or 4-wire operation in Answer mode (receiving a call) or 2-wire or 4-wire
operation in Originate (initiating a call) mode.
NOTE: For proper operation of V.32 modulations over leased lines, one modem must be set to Originate mode and the
other set to Answer mode.
For Sync Leased Answer Mode, Async Leased Answer Mode and Trellis Multipoint Tributary Mode, 4-wire Answer is the
factory default.
For Sync Leased Originate Mode, Async Leased Originate Mode and Trellis Multipoint Control Mode, 4-wire Originate is
the factory default.
The AT command for Disable is &L0.
The AT command for 2-wire Originate is &L1.
The AT command for 4-wire Originate is &L2.
The AT command for 2-wire Answer is &L3.
The AT command for 4-wire Answer is &L4.
Autorate: Enable
Nxt Enable Disable
This configuration option only appears when Leased Line Rate is configured for V.34 and V.32 families data
Autorate. Once connected, the modem automatically lowers the line rate if line conditions become impaired. When line
conditions improve, the modem automatically shifts up to the highest data rate the line can support. This autorating only
occurs between 19,200 bps and 4800 bps during V.32, V.32bis, and V.32 terbo connections and 33.6 and 2400 for V.34.
The AT command is S-Register S82=
, where
is 0 for Enable and 1 for Disable.
V32bis Override: Disable
Nxt Disable 2400
This configuration option is ignored unless Leased-Line Rate is 4800(V32b).
V.32bis 4800 Override. Activates the Paradyne Point-to-Point Diagnostic 2400 bps modulation. Allows the modem to
use a non-standard, point-to-point modulation capable of secondary channel diagnostics while running at 2400 bps.