Monitoring the DSU
November 1997
Viewing Network Performance Statistics
Performance statistics for the network interface are available to:
H Monitor the current status of the network operations.
H View the DSU’s performance statistics, which:
— Assist you in determining the duration of specific conditions.
— Provide a historical context for problem detection and analysis.
To view the Network Performance Statistics, follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
Network Performance Statistics
Device Name: Model: 7510
No Signal Count: 101920 26:33:08
Out of Service Count: 0 0:00:00
Out of Frame Count: 621 8:53:49
Excessive BPV Count: 99830 144:28:11
Invalid BPV Count: 87409
ESC for previous menu M
ainMenu Exit
efresh ClrStats
All counts show the number of occurrences since the last reset of the counters.
H No Signal Count is the number of occurrences of a No Signal condition.
H Out of Service Count is the number of occurrences of an Out of Service
(OOS) condition.
H Out of Frame Count is the number of occurrences of an Out of Frame
(OOF) condition.
H Excessive BPV Count is the number of times at least one invalid bipolar
violation was detected every 20 ms for a 2-second period.
H Invalid BPV Count is a raw count of the number of invalid bipolar violations.
In the last column,
indicates the amount of time the condition has
existed in hours, minutes, and seconds. When the maximum time has been
exceeded, 255:59:59+ appears.
The screen appears with the cursor in the function area below the dotted line. To
update the performance statistics, select R
efresh and press Return.
Select C
lrStats and press Return to clear all statistics and refresh the screen.