8310 MVL and 8510 RADSL Card Configuration
January 1999
Table 4-2. Ports Options (2 of 3)
DSL Ports (RADSL Parameters) 8510 RADSL Card A-B-B
Gives the user the ability to configure the operational and alarm parameters of the
RADSL ports on the RADSL 8510 card. Each RADSL port is configured separately.
NOTE: For the 8310 MVL card, refer to the DSL Ports (MVL Parameters) 8310
MVL Card section at the end of this table.
Action – Edit/Reset. Edit to configure the DSL ports, Reset to reset the port and make
changes active.
Port # – Enter Port 1–4 (Default = 0).
Tx Power – 0 dB, –3 dB, –6 dB. Enter the rate that allows you to reduce the transmit
power by: –3 dB or –6 dB (Default = 0 dB). Short loops require less power, reducing
crosstalk and giving better performance on longer loops in the same cable bundle.
SN Tx Power – 0 dB, –3 dB, –6 dB, –9dB (Default = –6 dB).
Startup Margin – The Startup Margin (SM) field is used to determine the quality of the
connection of the upstream link on system startup. It is used in conjunction with the
adaptive speed fields to determine the initial line speeds of the DSL link. The value is
between –3 and 9. In Adaptive Mode, if the margin falls below SM, the DSL link will be
restarted at a slower speed. If the calculated margin of the next speed is greater than
SM by 3 dB, the speed will increase. Enter –3 to 9 (Default = 3).
Reed-Solomon Interleaving – Long/Short (Default = Long).
Behavior – Fixed/Adaptive (Default = Adaptive). In fixed rate mode, the DSL port will
operate at the specified upstream and downstream speed. In rate adaptive mode, the
rates will not exceed the maximum speed and traps are sent when the links drop below
the minimum, as the transmission characteristics of the loop change.
SN Type – Model number of endpoint. For Model 8510 RADSL Card, SN type is 5620.
(This field is read-only.)
Fixed: Down Speed* – 7168/6272/5120/4480/3200/2688/2560/2240/1920/1600/1280/
1024/960/896/768/640/512/384/256 (Default = 2560 kbps).
Fixed: Up Speed* – 1088/952/816/680/544/408/272/91 (Default = 1088 kbps). Enter
the fixed upstream speed.
Adaptive: Max Dn Speed* – 7168/6272/5120/4480/3200/2688/2560/2240/1920/1600/
1280/1024/960/896/768/640/512/384/256 (Default = 7168 kbps). Enter the maximum
downstream speed.
Adaptive: Min Dn Speed* – 7168/6272/5120/4480/3200/2688/2560/2240/1920/1600/
1280/1024/960/896/768/640/512/384/256 (Default = 640 kbps). Enter the minimum
downstream speed.
Adaptive: Max Up Speed* – 1088/952/816/680/544/408/272/91 (Default = 1088 kbps).
Enter the maximum upstream speed.
Adaptive: Min Up Speed* – 1088/952/816/680/544/408/272/91 (Default = 408 kbps).
Enter the minimum upstream speed.
Margin Threshold Offset: – Sends a trap message if the margin on either end falls
below the startup margin by the selected value. Enter a value for the margin threshold
trap (–7 dB to +14 dB, or D to Disable). (Default = +3).
Example: With a startup margin of +3 dB and a threshold offset of +3 dB, the
Low Margin Trap will be sent if the margin falls below 0 dB.
Link Down Ct: – Sends a trap message if the number of DSL link down events in
15 minutes exceeds the selected value. Enter a value for the Link Down Count Trap
(0 to 1000, or D to Disable). (Default = 0.)
NOTE: If you have made changes to this screen, select Reset in the Action field to
make the changes active.
* If you select a downstream speed of 2560 or higher, your upstream speed selection is
limited to 1088/952/680/408.