5446 RTU Setup
April 2000
IP Injection Tool Group Objects Table
Table C-1. IP Injection Group Objects (ipInjectionTable 1) (1 of 2)
Description Setting/Contents
(ipInjectionEntry 1)
Indicates the type of IP address for
each entry.
Changing the NAP IP address
resets the database and any of the
following entries are cleared:
H serviceProvider(3)
H host(4)
H defaultGateway(5)
H null(1) – Use to add a new row. Defaults:
– Address:
– Mask:
– Status: static
H nap(2) – Network Access Provider IP address entry.
Should not be added, modified, or deleted via
H serviceProvider(3) – Device IP address assigned
to the 5446 Ethernet port in the Network Service
Provider domain.
H host(4) – Host IP address entry for local hosts,
local subnets, remote subnets, and next hop router
IP address.
H defaultGateway(5) – Default gateway IP address
(ipInjectionEntry 2)
Specifies the IP address for the first
object’s entry of IP Injection Type.
H null(1) – Null entry used to add a
row to create an entry.
H nap(2) – Device IP address in
the NAP domain.
H serviceProvider(3) – Device IP
address in the Network Service
Provider domain.
H host(4) – Host IP address entry
for locally attached host, local
subnet, remote subnet, and next
hop router IP address.
IP address for the NAP or service provider (NSP):
H nnn.255.255.255 – Range for the first byte nnn is
001 to 223, with the exception of 127. Range for the
remaining three bytes is 000 to 255.
IP address for Host Route:
H nnn.255.255.255 – Range for the first byte nnn is
001 to 239, with the exception of 127. Range for the
remaining three bytes is 000 to 255.
IP Injection type of Default Gateway:
H – Default IP address. Cannot be changed.
(ipInjectionEntry 3)
The subnet mask must be
contiguous and left-justified. When
an arbitrary mask is not supported,
the SNMP agent constructs the
value of the ipInjectMask based on
the ipInjectionAddr entry as
Class A, B, or C.
The subnet mask entry cannot be for IP
Injection type of NAP, Host, and service provider.
When the IP Injection Type is default gateway, the
subnet mask defaults to and cannot be