50 November 2003 8000-A2-GB30-10
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6.3 atmfM4MIB- SNMP M4 Network Element View MIB - [atmfM4MIB]
The ATM Forum MIB - (atmfM4MIB.MIB). As defined in the ATM Forum SNMP M4
Network Element View MIB (AF-NM-0095.001) document. The table below shows the
object of this MIB that are supported. For the GranDSLAM R3.2 product VP switching
is not supported.
6.3.1 TC Adapter Layer Table (atmfM4TcAdapterEntry)
Columns conceptually added to the interface table entry for an ATM interface to model the
TC Adapter. The row of the interface table modeling this object should also include columns
for the physical path TP and the ATM interface table defined in RFC 2515. The interface
table entry for the TC Adapter fields of an ATM interface are set up without management
system control (or else that setup is outside the scope of M4). ”atmfM4TcAlarmSeverityIndex”Object (atmfM4TcAdapterEntry 2)
Specifies the index of the entry in the communications alarm severity profile table that
should be used. The only valid value of this object is 0.
Table 1-56. Object Supported in ATM Forum MIB
Table Object Type
atmfM4TcAdapterEntry Note: Only ’false (2)’ is supported for atmfM4TcACellScrambling Yes
atmfM4TcCellScrambling(1) TruthValue Read-
atmfM4TcAlarmSeverityIndex(2) Integer32 No
atmfM4VclEntry Supported as is
atmfM4ATMLayerEntry Supported (read-only)
atmfM4VclEntry Supported as is
atmfM4VcXConnEntry Supported as is
atmfM4VcNextVciEntry Supported as is
atmfM4CellProtoCurrEntry These tables are read-only by definition and are supported as is.
atmfM4VcTestEntry VC testing is supported