3. Configuration Using the Web Interface
8900-A2-GB20-30 June 2004
3. Click on Apply.
Creating Line Profiles for Ports (8985)
To create a line profile for SHDSL ports:
1. Click on Create New Profile. The SHDSL Profile Create screen appears.
2. Enter or select the following fields:
3. Click on Apply.
Field Description
Profile Name Specify a name for this line profile.
Max Rate Enter a maximum rate from 192 to 2304 kbps.
Min Rate Enter a minimum rate from 192 to 2304 kbps.
Mode Select the regional setting supported, as specified by
ITU-T G.991.2:
Annex A
Annex B
Remote Management Select Enable or Disable from the drop-down list to
determine whether remote management is supported for
the network element this profile is assigned to.
Reference Clock Select the timing source from the drop-down list:
System – Clocking is provided by the backplane. (The
backplane clock is configured on the Configuration -
System - Clocking screen.)
Local – Clocking is provided by an onboard oscillator.
Target Margin Enter a target noise margin from 2–15 dBm, or None.
Interface Select an interface from the drop-down list:
Wire Pair 1 – The profile applies to Wire Pair 1.
Wire Pair 2 – The profile applies to Wire Pair 2.
Select Wire Pair 1 if this profile is to be used for ports that
use only one wire pair.