Configuration Options
3160-A2-GB21-80March 1999
User Interface Configuration Options
A circular symbol (F) identifies configuration options that are available on
standalone DSU/CSUs only. A triangular symbol (Y) identifies configuration
options that are available on carrier-mounted DSU/CSUs only.
Table C-7. User Interface Configuration Options (1 of 10)
Self-Test: Enab
Next Enab Disab Prev
Initial Self-Test. Specifies whether the DSU/CSU performs a device self-test at power-up
and after a device reset.
Enab – Enables a self-test.
Disab – Disables the self-test.
FP Access: Enab
Next Enab Disab Prev
Front Panel Access. Determines whether front panel access or display is allowed at the
Enab – Allows the front panel to access and display data.
Disab – Prevents the access and display of data.
NOTE: This configuration option is available on standalone DSU/CSUs only.
FP Pass: Disab
Next Enab Disab Prev
Front Panel Pass-Through. Allows dial-out access to a remote DSU/CSU using the front
panel pass-through operation.
Enab – Allows dial-out access to a remote DSU/CSU.
Disab – Prevents dial-out access to a remote DSU/CSU.
NOTE: This configuration option is available on standalone DSU/CSUs only.
Dial-In: Enab
Next Enab Disab Prev
Dial-in Access. Allows dial-in access to the DSU/CSU. For standalone DSU/CSUs,
dial-in access is through the modem port. For carrier-mounted DSU/CSUs, dial-in
access is through an external device that is connected to the communication port.
Enab – Allows dial-in access to the DSU/CSU.
Disab – Prevents dial-in access. Incoming calls to the DSU/CSU are not answered.
NOTE: To enable Dial-In for carrier-mounted DSU/CSUs, the external device must
be configured for automatic answer and the ComExtDev configuration
option must be enabled.