4. Configuration
4-2 March 2005 2600-A2-GN20-40
Using the CLI
A command line interface (CLI) can be used to configure and monitor the unit. The
CLI is available from a PC or terminal connected to the Console port, or from a
Telnet session with the device.
The following commands are available:
Descriptions of some essential configuration commands follow.
Configure Management Default Gateway Address
The configure management default gateway command specifies the IP address
of the next hop router for the management traffic.
Table 4-1. CLI Commands
Command Function
clear Clear the system log.
configure Enter Configuration mode.
copy Copy from one file to another.
date Set the time zone and date format.
end If user is in Administrator mode, shifts to User mode; if user is in
User mode, positions interface at top of menu tree.
exit Terminate current session.
firmware Download or apply new firmware.
paging Enable or disable paging (more prompt) for this session.
privilege Enable administrator mode.
restart Restart a unit.
show Display configuration, statistics, and status.
technical-support Display information for contacting technical support.
test Test the system.
configure management default-gateway {ip_address}
Minimum Access Level: Administrator
ip_address – Specifies the IP address of the default gateway for the management
PDYN# configure management default-gateway