COMSPHERE 3825Plus Modem
4-28 November 1996 3825-A2-GB30-20
Callback Security
Security causes the responding modem to
disconnect and call back to the phone number provided by
the user at the originating modem. The user enters the
number, when prompted by the remote modem, as a
Directory location 1–10 preceded by the # sign, or as a
complete telephone number (including the pause and wait
dial modifiers). For example:
#1 Directs the remote modem to call back to
the number stored in Directory 1
#10 Directs the remote modem to call back to
the number stored in Directory 10
Directs the remote modem to dial 9,
wait for dial tone, and call back to
If an invalid directory or telephone number is entered
but the password is correct, the modem will stay online
but will not conduct a callback sequence. The modem also
will not initiate a callback if no directory or telephone
number is specified.
Security Configuration Examples
following examples show how a user might set up
Security for several different environments. The examples
show an Administration Password of zero, but this can be
changed with a Security reset (%SR) or a Change
Administration Password command (%SA=).
DTE Only
Use commands like the following to configure the
modem for DTE Only Security.
AT%SA00000000 Provide Administration Password
AT%SD1=xyz789 Store DTE password in index
location 1
ATS67=0 Set No Callback Security
ATS68=1 Set DTE Only Security
ATS70=0 Set No Originate Security
ATS94 to ATS98 (Set to preferred choices)
Save settings
Reset modem
The user who dials this modem is prompted for a DTE
password. The user responds by typing xyz789.
VF Only
Use commands like the following to configure the
modem for VF Only Security.
AT%SA00000000 Provide Administration
AT%SV1=12345678 Store VF password in index
location 1
ATS67=0 Set No Callback Security
ATS68=2 Set VF and DTE Security
ATS70=0 Set No Originate Security
ATS94 to ATS98 (Set to preferred choices)
Save settings
Reset modem
The user who dials this modem follows the phone
number with a wait dial modifier and the VF password
VF and DTE
Use commands like the following to configure the
modem for VF and DTE Security.
AT%SA00000000 Provide Administration
AT%SV1=12345678 Store VF password in index
location 1
AT%SD2=xyz789 Store DTE password in index
location 2
AT%SB3=87654321 Store VF Plus DTE password
in index location 3
ATS67=0 Set No Callback Security
ATS68=2 Set VF and DTE Security
ATS70=0 Set No Originate Security
ATS94 to ATS98 (Set to preferred choices)
Save settings
Reset modem