DMD15/DMD15L/DMD15/DMD15LL/DMD15/DMD15LIBS/IDR Satellite Modem Technical Specifications
TM051 - Rev. 5.8 7-1
Section 7 – Technical Specifications
7.0 Modulator Specifications
Modulation: BPSK and QPSK (OQPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM optional)
Data Rates: 9.6 Kbps to 10 Mbps in 1 bps steps
Symbol Rates: 6300 to 6500000 Symbols per second
128000 to 6500000 Symbols per second (8PSK/16QAM
IF Tuning Range: 50 to 90, 100 to 180 MHz in 1 Hz steps
950 – 1750 MHz (optional L-Band)
IF Impedance: 75 Ohms, 50 Ohms (optional)
50 Ohms (optional L-Band)
IF Connector: BNC, (L-Band, SMA)
IF Return Loss: 20 dB minimum (13 dB L-Band)
Output Power: -20 to +5.0 dB in 0.1 dB steps (L-Band -5 to -30 dB)
Output Stability: ±0.5 dB over time and temperature
Output Spectrum: Meets IESS 308/309/310 Power Spectral mask
Spurious < -55 dBc in any 4 kHz band
On/Off Power Ratio: > 60 dB
Scrambler: CCITT V.35 or IBS (others optional)
FEC: Viterbi, K = 7 at 1/2, 3/4 and 7/8
Rate Sequential 1/2, 3/4, 7/8 (optional)
Trellis 2/3 (optional)
Turbo Product Code (optional)
Rate 3/4 (0.793) - (64, 57) x (64, 57)
Rate 1/2 (0.495) - (32,26) x (32,26) x (4,3)
(Turbo supported at all modulation types)
Outer Encoder Options: Reed-Solomon INTELSAT Rates
Data Clock Source: Internal, External, Rx Recovered
Internal Stability: 1 x 10
Typical (optional to 1 x 10
7.1 Demodulator Specifications
Demodulation: BPSK and QPSK (OQPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM optional)
Data Rates: 9.6 Kbps to 10 Mbps, 1 bps steps
Symbol Rates: 12696 to 6500000 Symbols per second (B/O/QPSK)
128000 to 6500000 Symbols per second (8PSK/16QAM)
IF Tuning Range: 50 to 90, 100 to 180 MHz in 1 Hz steps
950 to 1750 MHz (optional L-Band)
IF Impedance: 75 Ohms, 50 Ohms (optional)
50 Ohms (optional L-Band)
IF Connector: BNC, SMA (optional L-Band)
IF Return Loss: 20 dB minimum
Spectrum: INTELSAT IESS 308/309/310 compliant
Input Level: -55 to -25 dBm
Adjacent Channel Rejection Ratio: > +14 dBc
Total Input Power: +10 dBm or +40 dBc (the lesser)