Initial Startup and Configuration
April 2000
" Procedure
To enter Change Identity screen information:
1. Position the cursor in the System Name field. Enter a name unique in your
network to identify the SNMP managed node (or unit)
The maximum length of System Name is 128 characters.
2. Position the cursor in the System Location field. Enter the physical location of
the unit.
The maximum length of System Location is 128 characters.
3. Position the cursor in the System Contact field. Enter the name and contact
information for the person responsible for the unit.
The maximum length of System Contact is 128 characters.
4. Press Ctrl-a to switch to the screen function key area below the dotted line.
5. Select S
ave and press Enter.
Configuring the Unit
Configuration option settings determine how the unit operates. Use the
Configuration branch of the asynchronous terminal interface menu to display or
change configuration option settings.
Configuration Options
The unit is shipped with factory settings in the Default Factory Configuration area.
You can find default information by:
H Referring to Appendix A, Configuration Options.
H Accessing the Configuration menu branch.
The unit has two sets of configuration option settings. The Current Configuration
matches the Default Factory Configuration until modified and saved by the user.
Configuration Option Area
Current Configuration The unit’s active set of configuration options.
Default Factory Configuration A read-only configuration area containing the factory
default configuration options.
If the factory default settings do not support your network’s configuration,
customize the configuration options for your application.