October 1997
About HotWire Model 7924
Termination Units
HotWire 7924-A1 Models and Features
Products in the HotWire 7924 family provide “last mile/last kilometer” transport of
T1-compatible circuits between customer facilities and central site equipment
over 2- or 4-wire copper lines. The units can be used over distances substantially
exceeding traditional T1 spans and Canadian Standards Association (CSA) loop
HotWire 7924 standard features include:
H V.35 or DSX-1 interface
H Full support for T1 using two twisted-copper pairs
H Full support for fractional T1 using one or two twisted-copper pairs
H Automatic detection and compensation for inverted pairs and swapped loops,
which simplifies installation
H Tolerance of bridged taps
H Local and remote alarm surveillance
H Local and remote T1 network and HDSL loop performance monitoring
HotWire 7924 may be ordered either as a standalone unit (7924-A1-xxx) or as a
nest-mounted card (7924-B1-xxx) that fits in a HotWire 7900 nest. This guide
describes the installation and maintenance procedures for the standalone
version, Model 7924-A1-xxx.
Up to ten standalone units may be installed in an optional HotWire 7900 10-Slot
Standalone Shelf. This is a convenient way to stack standalone units, using a
single power source.
To order additional product documentation, refer to
Warranty, Sales, and Service
on page A at the beginning of this User’s Guide.