Initial Startup and Configuration
February 1999
Table 3-2 lists Switchpack S2 definitions.
Table 3-2. Switchpack S2 Definitions
Switch # . . .
Allows you to . . .
Default in Bold
1 Control whether the unit is an LTU or an NTU.
2 Control whether the unit automatically adjusts to the best line rate for
conditions, or is fixed at the rate set by switches S2-3 through S2-5.
OFF = Fixed Rate
ON = AutoRate Enable
3, 4, 5 Control the DSL line rate of the unit. The three switches form a binary
value used as an index to the table of line rates. Off denotes 0 and On
denotes 1. Refer to Table 3-3.
000 (all Off) = 1552 kbps
6 Control whether Telco loopbacks are supported.
OFF = Enabled
ON = Disabled
7 Control whether remote Telco loopbacks are supported.
OFF = Disabled
ON = Enable
8 Switch between two versions of firmware. The 7984 has two banks of
flash memory used to hold executable firmware. This switch allows you
to switch between the two versions of firmware. This switch is
independent from the position of Switch 1 on Switchpack S1
(switchpack enable/disable). Emergency Use Only.
OFF = Current Firmware
ON = Previous Firmware
Use Table 3-3 to set the DSL Line Rate. Defaults are shown in bold.
Table 3-3. DSL Line Rate, Switches 3–5 on Switchpack S2
Switch Position
5 4 3
DSL Line Rate
OFF OFF ON 1552 kbps
OFF ON OFF 1552 kbps
OFF ON ON 400 kbps
ON OFF OFF 528 kbps
ON OFF ON 784 kbps
ON ON OFF 1040 kbps
ON ON ON 1552 kbps
OFF OFF OFF 1552 kbps