Setting Up Call Directories if Trap Dial-Out Is Desired
1. Set up directory phone numbers.
Main Menu
Modem Call Directories
2. Select Directory Number A (for Alarm).
3. Enter the phone number(s). Valid characters include:
— ASCII text
— B for blind dialing
— W for wait for dial tone
— P for pulse dialing unless B specified
— T for tone dialing unless B specified
— Space, underscore ( _ ), comma (,) for a 2-second pause, and dash (–)
readability characters
4. S
ave the phone number(s).
Setting Up to Use the Modem PassThru Feature
The Modem PassThru feature allows access to the router via a dial-up connection to the
unit. When this feature is set up and active, a logical connection between the unit’s
modem and COM ports is made, and data received over the modem port is transmitted
out the COM port to the router’s auxiliary (AUX) serial port. When an escape sequence
(minus, minus, minus) is detected, the FrameSaver unit switches back to normal user
interface operation. If this feature will be used, the COM port must be configured for that
1. Configure the COM port to use Modem PassThru.
Main Menu
Management and Communication
Communication Port
2. Set Port Use to Modem PassThru.
3. S
ave the configuration.