Configuring the tbSnmpAgent 225
Smart Media Software Configuration Guide 8 • Configuring SNMP
Configuring SNMPv1, SNMPv2c
1. Und
er the SNMPv1 SNMPv2c Communities heading, new communities can be created for SNMP:
– By default, there are standard communities: pub
lic (read-only access), and private (read-write access).
–Click C
reate new community to create a new community for SNMPv1 or SNMPv2.
Figure 398. Create New SNMP Community window
Configuring SNMPv3
1. Und
er the SNMPv3 Users heading, new users can be created for SNMP version 3:
– By default, no SNMPv3 users are created
–Click Crea
te new SNMPv3 user to create a new user definition for SNMPv3
Figure 399. Create New SNMP User window
Configuring traps
1. Und
er the SNMP Trap Destinations heading, destination addresses for SNMP traps can be defined:
– By default, no SNMP trap destinations are defined
–Click C
reate New SNMP Trap Destination to create a new destination to send SNMP traps
Figure 400. Create New SNMP Trap Destination window
2. Under the Log Params heading, logging parameters for the application can be set. The directory and for-
mat that logs are stored in can be selected.
3. Und
er the Advance Params heading, operational time delays can be modified.