Product Overview 25
Model 3086FR ATM IAD User Guide 2 • Product Overview
FR over ATM
The Model 3086FR primary function is the conversion of legacy ports running FR traffic to ATM. In many
instances, customers have older but functioning equipment, and need to connect to newer technology offer
ings from service providers or telcos. Customers are not ready to make a significant investment in new and
expensive equipment. The Patton model 3086FR fills that gap providing seamless and economical FR to ATM
conversion, allowing customers to keep using their legacy equipment.
Integrated access
In addition to FR to ATM conversion and transport over DSL, the 3086FR is a full feature router allowing
routed or bridged services between the DSL interface and the 10/100Base-T port. The 3086 can simulta
neously transport traffic from the serial port and the 10/100Base-T Ethernet port over a single pair DSL link.
In this case, the 3086FR operates in split mode DSL bandwidth allocating dedicated timeslots in the DSL
frame for the serial port, and for the Ethernet traffic.