Bootloader 30
SmartNode 4940 Getting Started Guide 4 • Initial configuration
After the SmartNode has been rebooted the new startup configuration will be activated.[WAN]#reload
Running configuration has been changed.
Do you want to copy the 'running-config' to the 'startup-config'?
Press 'yes' to store, 'no' to drop changes : no
Press 'yes' to restart, 'no' to cancel : yes
The system is going down
The bootloader ensures that basic operations, network access, and downloads are possible in case of interrupted
or corrupted application image downloads. It offers console access to the Bootloader and the capability for
downloading application images (e.g. SmartWare) via the serial link of the console.
Start Bootloader
To start the Bootloader, power on the SmartNode while pressing the reset button. Open a Telnet session to
the SmartNode via one of the Ethernet interfaces, or open a CLI session via the console port (if available on the
SmartNode). The login display will appear. Using the credentials admin / patton , log in to the SmartNode.
The following prompt will be displayed:
Type help to display an overview of the available commands.
When you issue the reload command, the SmartNode will ask
if you want to copy the running configuration to the startup con-
figuration. Since you just downloaded a configuration file to the
startup configuration you must answer this question with NO.
Otherwise, the downloaded configuration will be overwritten
and lost!