AUX SENDS 1- 8 Individual Level
These Push-On/Push Off pots adjust signal level sent to
respective Aux buses. Pushing the switch down turns the send
on or off. An associated two color LED indicates status: OFF
indicates an 'off' state; GREEN indicates the Aux send is on,
and not muted; RED indicates the Aux send is on, but muted.
The signal source for these mixes may be selected (by Aux
bus) to be pre or post fader by the GLOBAL switches located
in the Vx Master section.
Aux 8 DIR OUT Switch w/LED
Removes the Aux 8 signal from the Aux 8 bus, and assigns the
signal to the direct out 1/4" connector on the rear panel, instead
of the normal post fader Dir Out signal.
AUX 8 PRE Switch w/LED
Switches the Aux 8 signal source between pre and post-fader.
Positions the channel image between left and right or between
left-center-right; operates with groups when pan switch is
selected. (See L-C-R Switch).
In LCR mode, continuous variation is available between full
level to left only (pan full counter-clockwise position) full
level to right only (pan full clockwise) and center position (full
level to mono/center, no output to left or right).
MUTE Switch w/LED
Turns off the channel audio to outputs. LED on = audio off.
Both pre and post fader audio is muted. When pre-fader sends
should not mute refer to USER OPTIONS. MUTE responds to
the local switch, the Mute Groups, and VCA Group Mute
(internal user option).
MONO Bus Assign Switch
Assigns the input signal to the Center / Mono bus. If L-C-R is
selected then PAN adjustment will be effective.
L-C-R Switch
Changes the PAN function from normal L-R to L-C-R opera-
tion. The mix to the L,R & Mono buses is adjustable with L-C-
R PAN. Refer to Special facilities for more information.
PAN Switch / Group Assign
Switches (1-8) w/LED's
Group assign switches route the post-fader signal to the Group
buses. PAN does not adjust these outputs unless the PAN
switch is selected. Then the L & R sides of the control corre-
spond to Odd and Even Group bus numbers.
SOLO Switch w/LED
Operator monitor facility, switches channel audio into the
headphones and Solo Meters. Choice of PFL or AFL is made
in the center master section. AFL is after fader, after Pan pot,
and after mute.
5-Segment LED Array
Dedicated channel level meter connected pre-fader, post EQ
(post fader option, refer to User Options). Top red Peak LED
responds to audio levels pre EQ, post EQ and post-fader.
Normal indication is green on, red flashing only on loud peaks.
100mm linear VCA level control, adjusts the level to all
'POST' fader outputs, ie auxiliaries 1-8 selected post, AFL,
Group assigns 1-8, L, R & Mono output mixes. Local fader
movements combine with movements of any VCA Group
faders the channel is assigned to. The change in audio level is
the sum of the two. If the Group fader is closed no local move-
ments will be heard. If the Group is at -5, local fader settings
will be reduced 5dB. Refer also to Expansion and muting.
VCA Group 1-8 selectors
Assign the channel to the VCA group control buses. Puts the
channel audio level under the (remote) control of the VCA
Group fader along with other channels assigned to the same
group. Independant of the Group Audio Assign section above.
Indicates VCA gain (i.e., gain of fader stage) via a two-color
LED. Indications are as follows: Green - intensity indicates
gain status (gain of fader stage). Red - indicates maximum
VCA gain has been reached, approximately 15dB. When the
gain LED is red then further requests for increased level, by
moving the channel fader or the VCA Group fader up, will
produce no response.
Mute Group selectors A-D
Assign input channels to any of the four Scene Mute groups.
Mute response occurs only when the group Master has been
Mute Groups Safe Switch w/LED
Bypasses the selected Scene Mute assignments. No Scene
Mutes can occur. An associated green LED indicates the chan-
nel is in a SAFE (isolated) state.