(5) RCA CD/Line In jacks (MAX
158 and 110 only)
These RCA input jacks allows you to connect a stereo, tape or CD player to your MAX Series bass amp
and play along.
(6) Post-EQ EFX Loop (MAX 112 and 115 only)
This section allows you to add an effect or connect a CD player post-EQ or after settings have been
applied to the EQ section (see 4).
Send/CD Input This standard 1/4" input jack allows you to connect a tape or CD player to
your MAX Series bass amp and play along. The jack also allows you to
connect the input of an effects unit to your MAX Series amp (see Return
Return Used in conjunction with the Send/CD input, this jack allows you to complete the
loop of the effects patched in by inserting the output from the effects unit into the
return jack.
(7) Headphone Input
This standard 1/4" input jack allows you to connect standard stereo headphones to the amplifier.
Turn the Gain control all the way down before using headphones. Slowly turn up the Gain and find a
comfortable listening level. When headphones are connected to MAX Series amplifiers‚ the speaker is
automatically turned off.
Front Panel