
Cut Jumper Here
Figure 15. Cutaway of circuit board showing jumper location of the Channel 7/8 Modification
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This modification changes the functionality of the Channel 7/8 front panel select switch and the busing
of the audio inputs. When this modification is complete‚ the front panel switch will act as a MUTE
switch for all signals connected to the Channel 7 and 8 RCA connectors. In addition‚ both stereo
channels (7 & 8) will simultaneously feed the Left‚ Right and Aux output buses. The Select action of
the switch is defeated.
Refer to Figure 15‚ “Cutaway of circuit board showing jumper location for Channel 7/8 Modification”
while performing the following steps:
1. Unplug the SMR™821a from the AC voltage source.
2. Remove the 6 screws securing the top panel of the unit. Remove the top and set aside.
3. Locate and cut the jumper J905. It is located near the power supply.
4. Place the top panel on the chassis and replace the 6 screws securing it to the chassis.