
p. 53
micro mute system
channel fader features
VCA LED (on module)
This LED glows green to indicate the amount of control voltage applied to
the channel VCA; the greater the control voltage, the brighter the LED.
Often, a channel may be assigned to more than one VCA master, and it is
easy to overlook an assignment and wonder why a channel isn’t on.This LED
gives the operator a quick reference to the state of the channel VCA;if there
is no LED indication,there is no VCA control voltage.The LED will turn from
green to red when the control voltage limit of +20dB is reached as detailed
above.This alerts the operator to unusual or incorrect gain settings and pre-
vents any additional fader boost from being applied.
mute button
This latching switch is the local mute switch for the channel. If this switch is
depressed,the channel will mute regardless of anything else.The internal red
LED is the mute indicator for the channel.This will light when the channel is
muted from any source (manual, micro,VCA, SIP).
channel fader
This hi-quality, 100mm fader generates the local control voltage for the
channel.Its voltage is summed with any of the assigned VCA Master voltages
to control the audio level of the VCA in the channel.