stereo input module
bus assignment features
balance on—groups—BAL ON
The left and right signals are summed as mono to make up the group
assignment signals.
The left and right signals are assigned in stereo to the groups in
odd/even pairs.
GROUP assignment switches 1,3,5 and 7 carry the left input-
signal and
GROUP assignment switches 2,4,6 and 8 carry the right input-sig-
The proportion of left vs.right can be adjusted by the
BALANCE control.
group 1–8 assignment
The input channel's post-fader signal is assigned to the correspond-
GROUP bus(es).
see—balance on—groups
input fader
The input fader is the primary level control for signals being sent to any of
the console's mix buses.The only signals not affected are
AUX sends select-
ed to be pre-fader. The fader offers greater than 80db of attenuation and
up to 10db of boost. Normal operation is between -10 and 0.
Pressing this switch will include (illuminated) or exclude (not-illumi-
nated) the input channel from the console's
SOLO system.The channel is
Solo'd in stereo.
see—master module, solo control system