34 C2607M (2/07)
RJ-45 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Port Status LED - Right (Duplex/Collision) (Continued)
Not lit Port is set to
10BASE-T half-
duplex mode and no
collisions are
— If 10BASE-T half-duplex
operation is desired, no action
is required. If 10BASE-T half-
duplex operation is not
desired, refer to Setting
10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Port
Modes of Operation on
page 14 for information.
*A collision is a normal event on a half-duplex Ethernet link. A collision occurs when two or more devices,
referred to as stations, attempt to transmit at the same time on a shared physical medium.
Ethernet uses the CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detect) media access method by
which two or more stations share a common transmission medium. Using CSMA/CD, a station monitors
the medium and transmits a message in bit-serial form when it senses that no other station is
transmitting. If, after initiating a transmission, the message collides with that of another station, each
transmitting station then intentionally transmits for an additional predefined period to ensure
propagation of the collision throughout the system. To avoid another collision, each station waits a
random amount of time (backoff) before attempting to transmit again.
Excessive collisions occur when retransmission of a frame fails after 16 consecutive times and the frame
is dropped. Excessive collisions may indicate that the network is becoming congested.
Table D. Troubleshooting with Rear-Panel Indicators (Continued)
Indicator Color Meaning Possible Cause Corrective Action