Page 2 of 6 C1001RN (9/08)
• For optimal performance, do not use the Digital Sentry client software on the Digital
Sentry system to view video from Arecont Vision cameras, except for configuration
purposes. Some servers do not meet the minimum requirements to run the client
software in this manner.
• A single Arecont Vision driver in DSAdmin controls all supported Arecont Vision
Arecont Vision AV1300
NOTE: In-camera motion detection on AV1300 is less sensitive at lower resolutions. It is
recommended that Integral motion detection be used at lower resolutions with this camera.
Arecont Vision AV2100
NOTE: In-camera motion detection on AV2100 is less sensitive at lower resolutions. It is
recommended that Integral motion detection be used at lower resolutions with this camera.
Firmware 62406
Supported Resolutions 1280 x 1024, 640 x 512
FPS 1–30
Number of Quality Settings 21
Supported Codec MJPEG
Supported Motion Detection Integral, In-Camera
Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) Not available
Firmware 62309
Supported Resolutions 1600 x 1200, 800 x 600
FPS 1–24
Number of Quality Settings 21
Supported Codec MJPEG
Supported Motion Detection Integral, In-Camera
Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) Not available