
30 C2924M (4/05)
The camera regularly checks the brightness level. When the brightness level crosses the switch threshold and lasts longer than the
D&N DETECTION setting, the camera switches the filter.
For example, the headlights of a passing car affect the brightness level in the camera, but not long enough for the filter to switch. The light of a
cloudy day also affects the brightness level in the camera, long enough for the filter to switch.
Select one of the following options: 5 SEC, 30 SEC. The default is 5 SEC.
NOTE: This option is only enabled when the DAY & NIGHT option is set to AUTO or EXT.
In certain lighting conditions, the brightness level may cross the switch threshold quickly. As a result, the camera may constantly switch filters.
Use this option to indicate how often to test the brightness level.
Select one of the following detection test intervals:
OFF Select this option to test the brightness level continuously, according to the D&N DETECTION setting (5 seconds or 30 seconds).
10 MIN Select this option to test the brightness level every 10 minutes.
30 MIN Select this option to test the brightness level every 30 minutes.
The default is 10 MIN when the DAY & NIGHT profile is selected. Otherwise, the default is OFF.
After the camera switches filters three times, and after the filter limit interval has passed, an asterisk (*) appears next to this setting. This indi-
cates that the detection test has been performed.
NOTE: This option is only enabled when the DAY & NIGHT option is set to AUTO or EXT.