C3447M-B (8/09) 17
There are several options for transmitting and receiving audio between your PC and speakers and a
microphone connected to the dome. The default setting for Audio is Off, which means that no audio is
transmitted or received between your PC and the dome. When Audio is off, the Talk and Volume Control
buttons are not displayed on the Home page.
To enable audio transmission and receipt:
1. Go to Audio and select On.
2. Select one of the following combinations using the Mode check boxes:
Bidirectional Full-Duplex Audio: Select Listen and Talk to enable audio transmission and receipt
between your PC and the dome. This is achieved by installing both a microphone and a speaker at both
your PC and the dome location.
Listen: Select Listen to enable audio transmission from the dome to your PC without the ability to
transmit audio in the opposite direction (from your PC to the dome). This allows you to listen to any
activity occurring at the dome location. This is achieved with a speaker at your PC and a microphone
at the dome location.
• Improper use of audio/visual recording equipment may subject you to civil and criminal
penalties. Applicable laws regarding the use of such capabilities vary between jurisdictions
and may require, among other things, express written consent from the recorded subjects. You
are solely responsible for insuring strict compliance with such laws and for strict adherence to
any/all rights of privacy and personalty.
• In Listen mode, the Talk button is not displayed on the Home page.
Talk: Select Talk to enable audio transmission from your PC to the dome without the ability to
transmit audio in the opposite direction (from the dome to your PC). This is achieved with a
microphone at your PC and a speaker at the dome location.
NOTE: In Talk mode, the Listen button is not displayed on the Home page.
3. Click Save to save the settings. Click Reset to revert to the previously saved settings.
1. To reset groups of settings to the factory defaults, select one or more of the following check boxes:
Reset Endura System Manager Settings: Resets the internal camera settings that relate to an
Endura system manager. This option should be used when moving the dome from one network with
an Endura system manager to another network with an Endura system manager. This function requires
an automatic dome system reboot.
Reset Network Settings: Resets all settings on the Network tab to the factory defaults, including
IP address settings and DHCP settings. This function requires an automatic dome system reboot.
Reset Encoder Settings: Resets the internal video compression settings that relate to a video
encoder. This function requires an automatic dome system reboot.
Reset Users and Roles: Deletes all user accounts except admin and guest, and deletes all assigned
roles except Manager, Operator, and Viewer.
2. Click Save to save the settings. Click Reset to revert to the previously saved settings.