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3. If a XMUX2 unit is not detected for an XPress board, eight black windows are displayed for that board. Check the connection between the
XMUX2 unit and the selected XPress board.
4. If an input on the XMUX2 unit does not detect a video signal, only the input number is displayed in its assigned window. Check the
connection between the camera and the input.
5. Name each VAU and assign a TCP/IP address.
Configure the DS Enterprise distributed system using DSAdmin:
The DSAdmin application is used to configure your DS Enterprise distributed system. A full discussion of DSAdmin can be found in the Digital
Sentry System Software Operation/Configuration manual (C3661M) or the DS NVR and DS NVs System Software Operation/Confugration
manual (C3663M). However, the basic steps used to configure the hardware components of your system are as follows:
1. Run DSAdmin on the DMS or any client computer from Start>Programs>Integral.
2. If a message appears indicating the Servers List file cannot be found, click No to create a new file. Click Save to accept the default file
name and location.
3. Expand the folder in the directory tree to reveal Available Systems. Right-click Available Systems and select Add System to display the Add
System window.
4. In the Add System window, enter the DMS name in the System Name field. Also enter the IP address of the DMS in the TCP/IP Address
field. Then select AutoConnect and click Save.
5. Expand Available Systems in the directory tree to reveal the newly entered System Name. Right-click the system and select Refresh.
6. Expand the system and right-click the VAUs folder. Add the name and IP address of the first VAU and click Save. Right-click the VAUs folder
again to add each remaining VAU.
7. To configure the XMUX2 units connected to a VAU, select the VAU in the directory tree and then the VAU Info tab. Select XMUX2, and then
select Active for each XMUX2 unit. Select either NTSC or PAL as the video standard.
This completes the installation of the DMS, VAUs, and XMUX2 units. Refer to the Digital Sentry System Software Operation/Configuration
manual (C3661M) for further DSAdmin instructions, including configuring camera recording, serial inputs, and setting up external storage.
Run the services:
1. From the VAU Start menu, open Settings and Control Panel.
2. Open Administrative Tools.
3. Open Services.
4. Right-click Digital Sentry Storage Service and select Start.
5. Right-click Digital Sentry VideoServer Service and select Start.
6. Right-click Digital Sentry WatchDog Service and select Start.
7. Right-click the VideoServer Service and select Properties. Change the Startup Type to Automatic. Repeat for the WatchDog Service and
Storage Service.
8. Set up a master source time server on the network, as described in Using the FLTime Utility on page 43, and then start the service. The DMS
must be the master server in a DS Enterprise distributed system.