30 Pelco Manual C573M-D (11/03)
To Download Titles From An MDA: To import titles from a CM9760-MDA unit, click File on
the CM9760-MDA SETUP dialog box and then click Import. The program asks you to confirm
the ID number of the MDA unit from which the titles will be loaded. (Click Yes if this is the unit from
which you want to import titles. If not, click No. Then click Edit, click Unit ID, change the unit ID to
the one you want, and return to the CM9760-MDA SETUP dialog box.) After you confirm, the
program reads the titles in the CM9760-MDA unit and displays them in the CM9760-MDA
SETUP dialog box.
To Load Default Titles: To load all 16 fields with “CAMX” (where “X” is a camera
number), click the Load Defaults button near the bottom of the CM9760-MDA SETUP
dialog box. The defaults can be used to test communications with the CM9760-MDA unit.
Or, you can modify the defaults by highlighting and typing over them.
To Edit Titles: Once you have imported titles from a CM9760-MDA unit into the
CM9760-MDA SETUP dialog box or loaded default titles, you can edit them. You can then
send the titles back into the CM9760-MDA unit, and store them as a file in your PC. To edit a
title in the dialog box, use the cursor to highlight the line (or characters) you want to change
and type over it. Or you can simply edit titles using the normal editing keys (backspace, arrows,
DELETE, and space bar).
To Upload Titles: You can upload (send) the edited titles that are in the CM9760-MDA
SETUP dialog box back into the CM9760-MDA unit. Click Send at the top of the dialog box,
and then click Titles. The program asks you to confirm the MDA unit that will receive the
titles. If the ID is correct, click the Yes button. If it is not the MDA unit you want to receive
the edited titles: click NO, click Edit at the top of the dialog box, click Unit ID, change the
unit ID, and return to the CM9760-MDA SETUP dialog box.
Another way to transmit this data to the CM9760-MDA unit is to click the Send Titles button
at the bottom of the CM9760-MDA SETUP dialog box.
To Save Titles: To save the titles displayed in the CM9760-MDA SETUP dialog box to
your PC, click File and then click Save or Save As. The titles are saved in a subdirectory
called “Camera Titles.”
To Print Titles: To print titles, click File on the CM9760-MDA SETUP dialog box and
then select Print. Click Current Title to print the titles currently in the window or click From
File to print titles stored in a file on your PC.
To Clear Titles: To erase all the titles from the CM9760-MDA SETUP dialog box at one
time, click the Clear Titles button.