10 C1988M-B-ML (3/05)
Camera Synchronization (AC Operation Only)
When using more than one camera power supply, a brief vertical roll may occur on the monitor when
a camera view is switched. To eliminate vertical roll, adjust the phase control by synchronizing, or
line-locking, the cameras to one another. Use the phase potentiometer located on the side of the
camera (refer to Figure 1) to make adjustments.
It may be necessary to have two people in communication when synchronizing the cameras: one
person at the camera and another person at the monitor to observe the vertical roll and the effect of
any adjustments made at the camera.
To synchronize the cameras do the following:
1. Choose a reference camera to which all other cameras will be phased.
2. Select a camera and synchronize it to the reference camera by turning the phase adjustment
control clockwise and/or counterclockwise.
3. Each time an adjustment is made, switch back and forth between the camera you are
adjusting and the reference camera. Repeat this process as many times as necessary, until the
roll between the cameras is no longer noticeable.
4. Adjust the phase of all other cameras by repeating steps 2 through 3. Always adjust to the
reference camera selected in step 1.
The preferred method for camera phase adjustment is to use a dual trace oscilloscope to align
the vertical sync pulses of the reference camera to the selected camera(s).