6 C1547M (7/03)
NOTE: Any external computer interface (such as an access control system, alarm system, fire system, building management/
control system, or VMX200) that is using the P protocol to communicate with a CM9740-CC1 running version 7.8 or lower software
is not compatible with version 8.03.012 of CM9740-CC1 software. Contact Technical Support for additional information.
To upgrade System 9740 software in a multi-node system, first upgrade all nodes in the network containing a CM9740-CC1 and
then upgrade the node containing the CM9760-NW1 (network interface unit [NIU]). (If your multi-node system contains
CM9760-CC1 nodes as well as CM9740-CC1 nodes, you must also upgrade the CM9760-CC1 nodes. Refer to the System 9760
Software Upgrade Installation Manual, C1546M,
for instructions to upgrade CM9760-CC1 nodes.)
To upgrade System 9740 software in a multi-node system, proceed as follows:
1. For the initial CM9740-CC1 node to be upgraded, do the following:
a. Upgrade CM9760-KBD and CM9760-KBR firmware to version 8.03. To perform this step, obtain the necessary
firmware and installation instructions in the CM9760-KBD-E80 upgrade kit that is provided for each CM9760-KBD/
CM9760-KBR in your system.
If you already have a CM9760-KBD/CM9760-KBR in your system running firmware version 8.03, do the following:
(1) Log off the KBD/KBR.
(2) Disconnect the KBD/KBR by unplugging the cable from the COM 1 port of the KBD/KBR.
(3) Set DIP switch 7 on the KBD/KBR to the ON position.
(4) Reconnect the cable to the COM 1 port.
b. For each CM9740-MXB in your system, upgrade firmware to version 8.04 by replacing the U12 PROM chip located
on the video output card with one of the chips supplied in the System 9740 software upgrade kit. Refer to Appendix
A for detailed instructions to upgrade CM9740-MXB firmware to version 8.04.
c. If your 9740 system contains a CM9760-DT/CM9760-DT4 running software version 3.20 or earlier, you must do
either of the following:
• Replace the DT/DT4 device in your system with a DT/DT4 device that is running version 8.01.
• Remove the DT/DT4 device in your system and use the internal DT software of the CM9740-CC1 (version
8.03.012). To use the internal DT, you must connect your ASCII communications device (ACD) directly to the
CM9740-CC1, thereby eliminating connection to the existing DT/DT4 device (external DT) in your system. Note
that when you replace an external DT with the internal DT, you may need to reprogram operator-related data
using System Manager (version 8.03.012). To replace an external DT with the internal DT, refer to Appendix B
for additional information.
d. Using the AT-compatible keyboard attached to the CM9740-CC1, do the following:
(1) Press Alt+N to view your current configuration file name.
(2) Press Ctrl+Q to stop the System 9740 program and to enter DOS mode. The C:\9740 prompt appears.
(3) Copy all current configuration files (also referred to as flat files) from the C:\9740 directory to a floppy disk. At
the C:\9740 prompt, enter the following:
copy c:filename.* a:
is your current configuration file name displayed in step 1d(1). For example, if your file name is
node5, enter the following:
copy c:node5.* a:
2. Upgrade System Manager software, which is located on the external PC connected to the CM9760-NW1:
a. If you wish to maintain an archive of event messages recorded in the current System Manager database, save the
database before it is removed in step 2b below. The default location of the System Manager database file,
sys32db.mdb, is as follows:
C:\Program Files\Pelco\System Manager 9760\DB\sys32db.mdb
To store the current database file, move the database file to a different directory on the hard drive of the System
Manager PC or store the database file on a floppy disk and label the disk using a unique name.