Pelco Manual C466M-E (6/99) 3
Figure Page
1 PC Board Locations ...........................................................................8
2 CPU Board .........................................................................................9
3 R26/R27 Adjustment Location ...........................................................9
4 Receiver/Driver Reset Button Location .............................................18
Table Page
A Switch Settings for SW1 - D-Type Control ........................................10
B Switch Settings for SW1 - P-Type Control ........................................15
C Circuit Board Parts List .....................................................................25
Manual # Date Comments
C466M 9/93 Original Manual
C466M 9/94 Rev. A. Manual updated to include “P” version control
type, as well as the elimination of “B, C, E, and F”
control type information as per the following ECO
numbers: 94-27, 94-102, 94-118, 94-309, 94-348.
Manual converted to new layout design.
C466M-B 1/95 Rev. B. Manual revised to include additional address
and baud rate setting information, as well as updated
extended features and operation information as per the
following ECO numbers: 94-346, 94-347.
C466M-C 5/95 Rev. C. Manual updated to include additional Scan
Mode information as per ECO# 94-567.
C466M-D 7/95 Rev. D. Manual updated to include corrected information
on “D” and “P” version address switch settings (Figures
3 and 7).
C466M-E 1/98 Revised manual to reduce the number of models, to
modify installation instructions, and to incorporate
adden-dum of Feb. 13, 1996. Changed manual to new
format and manual pagination.
6/99 Revised manual to include applicable certifications.
Revised Section, Word Three, B1 and B0