48 Pelco Manual C681M-D (2/02)
Complex menu settings can be saved on a peripheral recording device connected to SCSI
ID number 5. These settings also can be read by the recorder from the peripheral device.
If you have previously saved menu settings, saving them again will overwrite the current
settings on the peripheral device.
1. Make sure the recorder is turned off.
2. Press and hold the ARCHIVE button, and then press the POWER button to turn the
power on. Release the ARCHIVE button. The Quick Setting menu appears. The Power
button blinks and the recorder will not perform any other functions until you complete this
3. Turn the JOG dial to select Menu Data Saving, and then turn the SHUTTLE ring to the
right when “TURN THE SHUTTLE RING >> TO EXECUTE.” appears on the screen.
If a peripheral device is not connected to ID5, the only option is POWER
OFF. Turn the SHUTTLE ring to the right twice to turn off the power, and then turn
the power back on.
4. Turn the SHUTTLE ring twice to the right. “SAVING. . .” appears while the data is be-
ing saved, and “COMPLETED.” appears when the process is finished.
5. Turn the SHUTTLE ring to the left. The “COMPLETED.” message disappears.
6. Turn the JOG dial to select Power Off, and then turn the SHUTTLE ring to the right.
The power is turned off.
Copying menu settings from a peripheral device overwrites current menu settings in the
1. Make sure the recorder is turned off.
2. Press and hold the ARCHIVE button, and then press the POWER button to turn the
power on. Release the ARCHIVE button. The Quick Setting menu appears. The Power
button blinks and the recorder will not perform any other functions until you complete this
3. Turn the JOG dial to select Menu Data Loading, and then turn the SHUTTLE ring to
the right when “TURN THE SHUTTLE RING >> TO EXECUTE.” appears on the
If a peripheral device is not connected to ID5, the only option is POWER
OFF. Turn the SHUTTLE ring to the right twice to turn off the power, and then turn
the power back on.
4. Turn the SHUTTLE ring twice to the right. “LOADING. . .” appears while the data is be-
ing read, and “COMPLETED.” appears when the process is finished.
5. Turn the SHUTTLE ring to the left. The “COMPLETED.” message disappears.
6. Turn the JOG dial to select Power Off, and then turn the SHUTTLE ring to the right.
The power is turned off.