Let’s have a look at Differentiating Features from the rest of our DX line:
1)HDD Partitioning has created some discussion over the years. Many of our
customers sold this as a benefit that allowed customers to optimize storage. Those
that may still have been unaware of this capability ran this risk of losing storage with
any future changes. As a result, this feature not is defaulted for off allowing
customers to take best advantage as they see fit.
2)We now have bi-directional audio as we did in DX4000. Our beta sites reported
back satisfaction with audio quality – this will be a good solution for those
corrections institutions and holding rooms that require audio. The Bi-directional
audio is a good feature for added security to alert people know that they are being
recording – or for training purposes.
nd like our DX8100 we can su
ort ATM/POS Usin
ment. We
believe customers will get the most value from an API integration. For example for
a number of stores, buying AVE equipment for each store may be cost-prohibitive.
Further customers typically already having their financial applications established.
Ultimately we want to inform customers of both the API approach and the text
integration strategy. We’ll talk more about APIs later.