8 Pelco Manual C342M-PSA (11/98)
3.3.2 All Control Equipment Except
LRD41A11-X Legacy Receiver/Drivers
Make the interconnecting cable to link the 37-pin round connector from the pan/tilt
unit to the control equipment.
For cable requirements, refer to the following tables:
Table A: Connector Pin Designations
Tables B and C: Requirements to Wire Power to Pan and Tilt Motors
To determine the size of wire to use for enclosure power (pins 15 and 16), add
together the wattage of the camera and the wattage of the window wiper (if the
enclosure has a wiper). The wattage of the wiper is 25 watts.
If the pan/tilt has the optional heater blanket, the heater blanket requires 40 watts of
power (pins 31 and 32).
The following are some recommended common installation practices:
• For unshielded conductors, use jacketed, stranded, multiconductor cable, with
additional conductors than needed for future servicing and/or additions. Use
color-coded conductors for ease of wiring and to identify functions at a later
• Keep a wiring diagram with the system for later reference.
Refer to Figure 1 and the following steps to construct the end of the cable that
connects to the pan/tilt unit:
1. Slide the unshielded and coaxial cables through the cable shell and rubber
2. Strip one inch of the jacket from the cables.
3. For the unshielded conductors, strip 1/8 inch of insulation from the individual
4. For the coax, unwrap the braid and twist it into a single conductor. Strip 1/8
inch of insulation from the center conductor. If you are using two coax cables
- one for video output and one for camera synchronization - twist the braid
from the two coax cables together.
5. Insert the end of each wire into a socket and crimp the end of the socket over
the wire’s insulation. This provides strain relief for the bare wire. Then crimp or
solder the bare wire to the socket.
6. Refer to Table A and push each socket into the proper hole of the 37-pin con-
nector until it snaps into place. Once a socket snaps into place, it can not be
removed without a special AMP tool.
7. Slide the cable shell down the cabling and screw it to the 37-pin connector.
8. Screw the cable clamp to the cable shell.
9. Connect the 37-pin connector to the mating connector on the pan/tilt unit.
10. To make a watertight assembly, use RTV silicone (such as Bostik #9732 or
equivalent) on both sides of the connector to fill any gaps between the cable
clamp, shell, and cable.
To prevent
damage to the wiper, if your
enclosure has one, AC high
to turn on the wiper (pin 25
of the 37-pin connector)
must come from the same
circuit that provides power to
the wiper (pin 15 of the 37-
pin connector). This is be-
cause the wiper and the on/
off control share the same
AC neutral (pin 16). See Fig-
ure 2.