Pelco Manual C672M (2/01) 65
No. Commands Functions Status After Normal Explanation of Status
48 CA*#1 Clear contents of timer program RC#2EX#2 Command received and carried
no. (*=1-8) out
49 DW*
#1 Setting the special day of the week Same as above Same as above
: Start day of week (0-6) Cannot accept this
: End day of week (0-6) command when
0=SUN, 1=MON, 2=TUE, 3=WED, *
and *
4=THU, 5=FRI, 6=SAT the same number.
50 DW?#1 Inquiry about the setting for the RC#2DW*
#2 *
: Start day of week (0-6)
special day of the week *
: End day of week (0-6)
0=SUN, 1=MON, 2=TUE,
3=WED, 4=THU, 5=FRI, 6=SAT
51 AM**#1 Alarm recording mode setting RC#2EX#2 Command received and carried
**=06, 18, 30 out
52 AS1#1 Inquiry about alarm recording RC#2AM**#2 **=06, 18, 30
mode setting
53 AD*#1 Alarm REC duration setting
* : 0=MAN1, 1=MAN2, 2=15S, 3=30S, RC#2EX#2 Command received and carried
4=45S, 5=1M, 6=2M, 7=5M, 8=10M out
54 AS0#1 Inquiry about alarm REC duration RC#2AP*#2 *=Same as item 53
55 EM#1 Emergency REC ON/OFF RC#2EX#2 Command received and carried out
56 EM0#1 Emergency REC OFF Same as above Same as above
57 EM1#1 Emergency REC ON Same as above Same as above
58 AS2#1 Inquiry about emergency REC setting RC#2EG*#2 * : 0=OFF, 1=ON
59 TE*#1 Tape end movement setting RC#2EX#2 Command received and carried
* : 0=STOP, 1=REWIND, 2=REPEAT, out
3=ALARM•PROT (protect)
60 FS0#1 Inquiry about tape end movement RC#2TE*#2 *=Same as item 59
61 DM*#1 Display mode setting *=1-4 RC#2EX#2 Command received and carried out
62 DM?#1 Inquiry about display mode setting RC#2DM*#2 *=1-4
63 CH0#1 Set date character display size RC#2EX#2 Command received and carried
“SMALL” out
64 CH1#1 Set date character display size Same as above Same as above
65 FS1#1 Inquiry about date character display RC#2CZ*#2 * : 0=SMALL, 1=LARGE
66 CO*
#1 Clock out setting RC#2EX#2 Command received and carried
: 0=REC, 1=T/L REC out
: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 10, 15, 20,
25, 30, 50, 60, 00 (output by field)
67 RO#1 Inquiry about clock out setting RC#2CD*
#2 *
Same as item 66
68 MO*#1 Mode out setting RC#2EX#2 Command received and carried
* : 0=REC, 1=PLAY, 2=POWER, out
69 RM#1 Inquiry about mode out setting RC#2MR*#2 *=Same as item 68
70 CU*#1 Call out setting *: 0=OFF, 1=ON RC#2EX#2 Command received and carried
Receive command only when out
signal at CALL OUT terminal is
switched to active condition.
71 CU?#1 Inquiry about call out setting RC#2CU*#2 * : 0=OFF, 1=ON
72 BL*#1 Blue background setting RC#2EX#2 Command received and carried
* : 0=OFF, 1=ON out
73 BL?#1 Inquiry about blue background setting RC#2BL*#2 * : 0=OFF, 1=ON
(Continued on next page)