14 C656M-E (4/07)
Spectra Mini Dome Installation
To install the TXB-V translator board in a Spectra Mini dome:
NOTE: Installing a TXB-V into a mini dome increases unit height. In surface mount installations, you must
cut a hole in the surface to accommodate the TXB-V cover. For an installation template and more
information, refer to the Spectra Mini Dome Installation manual.
1. Turn off power to the dome system.
2. If the Spectra Mini dome is already installed, remove it to access the top of the dome drive where
the translator board will be installed.
3. Place the dome drive on a flat surface with the dome liner pointing up.
4. Set the DIP switches on the dome (refer to Figure 12 for switch location):
NOTE: There are no SW1 switch settings on the Spectra Mini dome.
a. Point the camera straight up.
b. Using a flashlight, look through the viewing slot of the dome liner. Rotate the dome liner until
you see two DIP switches in the bottom of the housing.
Figure 12. Locating the Spectra Mini Dome DIP Switches
c. SW2: Set all switches to the OFF position.
d. SW3: Set the Spectra Mini dome address (refer to Table A on page 24 of the Appendix for
switch settings).
SW 3
SW 2