Pelican 1354 NaturSoft Custom Salt Free
Water Softener/Conditioner
© 2013 Enviro Water Solutions, Inc.
3060 Performance Circle, Suite 2, DeLand, FL 32724
Rev B
Page 11
(877) 842-1635
If you have a dishwasher:
Generally, the NS3/NS6 NaturSoft system removes mineral hardness from solution and forms micro
crystals; it does not physically remove the natural minerals from the water. Harsh chemicals, specifically
acidic (low pH) detergents or rinse agents, can re-dissolve these crystals. This reduces the desired effect.
Also, dishwashers are supplied by the hot water side of a building’s plumbing system, so for the first few
weeks, the water hardness inside the dishwasher will be higher than normal. For both of these reasons,
you will have to adjust the combination and amounts of detergents and rinse agents. Gel packs offer a
great alternative since they contain detergents and rinse agents in just the right amounts. This dishwasher
detergent has received rave reviews from our customers:
Lemi-Shine Rinse Agent
Visit the website www.pelicanwater.com
to buy the detergent online or locate a store near you to