Shooting Functions
EV Bar
The EV bar appears on the LCD panel
and viewfinder in a mode. The
appropriate exposure is set when V is in
the middle of the EV bar. If it is towards
-, it is underexposed. If it is towards +, it
is overexposed. If the value exceeds the range of the EV bar (±5.0),
the “+” or “-” blinks.
EV bar
Exposure Warning
If the subject is too bright or too dark, “+”
or “-” in the EV bar will blink in the
viewfinder and on the LCD panel.
Combining with L
Press the L button (p.116) to record the exposure value in
Hyper-manual. If the shutter speed or aperture is then changed, the
combination of shutter speed and aperture changes while the
exposure value is retained.
If the shutter speed is 1/125 seconds and aperture is F5.6 and is
recorded by pressing the L button, and the shutter speed is
changed to 1/30 seconds with the front e-dial (R), the aperture
automatically changes to F11.