Camera shake ......... 119, 129
Candlelight Mode .............. 86
Capture Mode Palette ....... 73
metering M ..................... 116
Charging a battery ............. 35
Checking the SD Memory
Card ................................... 46
City name ........................ 245
Clock Mode ..................... 208
Color enhancer filter ........ 166
Color extraction filter ....... 166
Color filter ........................ 166
Connecting to a TV .......... 159
Continuous Shooting j .... 96
Contrast ........................... 122
Copy ................................ 176
Cropping .......................... 163
Date and time
setting ........................ 52, 194
Date Imprint ..................... 123
Daylight G ....................... 114
Daylight saving
time ............................ 51, 198
Default setting ................. 240
Delete i ................. 136, 150
Delete all ......................... 154
Delete sounds
(voice memo) ................... 151
Destination ...................... 197
Digital Filter ..................... 166
Digital SR .......................... 86
Digital Wide Mode ........... 100
Digital Zoom ................ 82, 83
Display brightness ........... 202
Display language ....... 48, 199
Dividing movies ............... 175
DPOF settings ................. 179
D-Range Setting ..............113
Drive Mode ............95, 96, 98
Dustproof .......................6, 84
Editing movies .................174
Error messages ...............236
Exposure setting ..............112
Face close-up playback ...148
Face Recognition ...............76
File number ......................133
Filters ...............................166
Fireworks Mode .................86
Flash Mode ......................105
Flash Off a ......................105
Flash On + Red-eye d ....105
Flash On b ......................105
Flower Mode ......................74
Fluores. Light J ..............114
Focus Mode .....................107
Focusing ..........................107
Focusing Area ..................109
Folder display ..................139
Folder name .....................200
Food Mode .........................75
Format .............................192
Four-image display f .....138
Four-way controller ......57, 59
Frame Composite ......93, 171
Frame rate .......................128
Green Button .......57, 59, 124
Green Mode .......................80
Guide indications ...............30
Half-length Portrait
Mode ..................................88