18 Customer Care Center 1-800-732-2677
5. If your pet ignores the Vibration or Static Stimulation, use a higher level of Stimulation.
6. Continue to watch your pet, as he may choose another area to dig.
7. Do not allow your pet in the yard unsupervised until he has completely stopped digging.
Chasing is an instinctive behavior stimulated by moving objects. Some dogs have a particularly
strong desire to chase that can put them in harm’s way and leave you helpless. Never allow your
dog off the leash or out of a contained area until he has learned the “Come” command, regardless
of the distraction. Be consistent and correct your dog every time he chases something.
It is vitally important that you and your dog remain safe while carrying out this
training. Your dog should be on a strong leash, long enough for him to attempt
to chase an object, but short enough for him not to reach a road or other
unsafe area. You must also be physically strong enough to restrain your dog
when he tries to chase.
1. Choose the Stimulation Level one step higher than your dog’s Recognition Level.
2. Set up a scenario where your dog is enticed to chase an object. Common items could be
cars, motorcycles, bicycles, etc. (do not use toys).
3. When the object passes in front of your dog, make sure to hold the leash with a firm grip.
As soon as your dog begins to chase the object, give the “Come” command and press and
hold the
Top Button (light blue) to deliver Vibration only, or the
Middle Button (medium blue on
the PDT00-12894 model) to deliver quick Vibration followed by controlled Static Stimulation,
or the Bottom Button (dark blue on the PDT00-12894 model) to deliver a quick on/off Static
Stimulation followed by controlled Static Stimulation,
until he stops. If he fails to stop, restrain
him with the leash before he reaches danger.
4. When your dog stops chasing the object, immediately release the button, walk backwards
and give the command “Come.” Praise your dog as he comes to you.
Note: If a Static
Stimulation button is held up to 12 continuous seconds, the LED will flash rapidly to indicate a
safety time-out. Once released, the button resets to normal functionality.
5. If your dog ignores the Vibration or Static Stimulation, repeat using a higher level of Stimulation.
6. Repeat the process until your dog responds consistently to the “Come” command.