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Key Definitions
Handheld Transmitter:
Transmits the radio signal to
the Receiver Collar. It is water
Transmitter Indicator Lights:
Indicate that a button is
pressed and also serves as a
low-battery indicator.
Red LED: Factory set for
single dog training. Indicates
low battery and when any
blue correction button is
pressed. Also indicates when
Transmitter is charging.
Green LED: For 2 Dog
training. Indicates when any
blue correction button is
being pressed for Dog 2.
Level Select Switch: Provides multiple levels of Stimulation.
Note: When set to Level “0”, the LED’s on
the Receiver Collar will still light up but no correction will be delivered.
Level Select Indicator: Shows level of correction.
Correction/Stimulation Buttons: Deliver Vibration Correction and/or Static Stimulation,
depending on model.
Top Button (light blue): On models PDT00-12892 and PDT00-12894. Delivers a quick
Vibration Correction followed by a Controlled (continuous) Vibration when button is pressed.
Middle Button (medium blue): On model PDT00-12894. Delivers a quick Vibration Correction
followed by a Controlled (continuous) Static Stimulation when button is pressed. A safety time-
out will be triggered if the button is held continuously for more than 12 seconds. The safety
time-out will end when the button is released.
Bottom Button (dark blue): On model PDT00-12894. Delivers a quick Static Stimulation
followed by a Controlled (continuous) Static Stimulation when button is pressed. A safety time-
out will be triggered if the button is held continuously for more than 12 seconds. The safety
time-out will end when the button is released.
Dog Select Button: Used to select between Dog 1 and Dog 2.
Wrist Strap Attachment: Used to attach Wrist Strap.
Antenna: Transmits signal from the Handheld Transmitter to the Receiver Collar.
Charging Jack & Dust Cover: Used to charge the Handheld Transmitter and should always be
closed when charger is removed.
Battery Door Cover: In the event that batteries are not charging properly, please contact our
Customer Care Center.
Vibration Stimulation: Activates the Vibration in the Receiver Collar.
Static Stimulation: You control when and how long Stimulation is delivered to your dog through
the Receiver Collar’s Contact Points. When a Static Stimulation button is held for 12 seconds
or more, the Red or Green LED will flash (depending on Dog 1 or Dog 2 mode), indicating it is in
safety time-out mode. The button will need to be released and pressed again before additional
Stimulation can be delivered.
Indicator Lights:
Green LED
(for 2 Dog)
Level Select
Level Select
Dog Select
Top Button
(light blue)
Middle Button
(medium blue)
Bottom Button
(dark blue)
Wrist Strap
Charging Jack
& Dust Cover
Door Cover