9. Troubleshooting & FAQs
9.4 ErgoSensor FAQs
Q1: Will it work if I wear contact lenses and
what if they are colored?
Ans.: Yes.
Q2: Will it work if I wear dark glasses for some
Ans.: No, it requires 2 x eyes to be clearly visible.
Q3: Will it work if I wear prescription glasses
for reading?
Ans.: Yes, standard, clear, prescription glasses are
OK to be recognized, as your eyes are visible
through the glasses.
Q4: What happens if I have “one eye patch”
due to some medical factor?
Ans.: It will not work correctly. It requires 2 x eyes
to be detected to function correctly.
Q5: Does it work if my face is partially covered
with cloth, hat, etc?'
Ans.: As long as it can clearly detect 2 x eyes, it
will work.
Q6: If I lean forward to read something on my
desk, will it work?
Ans.: As long as the sensor is able to detect your
eyes, it will work.
Q7: Does it work if I have a hat/cap/turban on
my head?
Ans.: As long as it can clearly detect 2 x eyes
continuously, it will work.
Q8: What happens if I turn my monitor into
portrait/ 90 degree mode?
Ans.: ErgoSensor function will disable
automatically if you turn the monitor. It will
work only in the default landscape mode.
Q9: Will it work if I turn the monitor away
from my face?
Ans.: No, you must be facing the monitor in the
standard position- front of screen.
Q10: What happens if I have 2 or more
colleagues also reading my screen?
Ans.: While it can detect more than one face, it
will “recognize” the face directly in front of
the screen and closest to it, deeming it to
be the principle user. All functions will be
activated based on the principle face that it
has detected.
Q11: What is the optimum distance from my
eyes to the Monitor screen?
Ans.: 80 cm is the optimal distance for
comfortable reading. The sensor will advise
you if you are > 90cm and < 70cm for
distance activation.
Q12: What is the optimum neck angle for
stress-free reading?
Ans.: The best neck angle is “straight neck!” If
your posture is detected with a neck angle
tilted more than 15 degrees for a pre-
determined time, the sensor will advise you
to correct it.
Q13: Can I change my time break activation
Ans.: No, the ideal time break is deemed to be at
about an hour at which interval the sensor
will advise you to take time break.