7Philips Lifeline 6900/6800/AT Series User’s Manual
Note: If you cannot speak or be heard, the Personal Response
Associate will try calling you back on your telephone. If you
cannot answer the phone or if the Personal Response Associate
cannot hear you, Lifeline will send help to your home.
3. The Response Center will assess the situation.
The Personal Response Associate will assess the type of
response that is needed, determining whether to send
someone from your list of Responders or dispatch an
emergency service to your home.
4. Lifeline will send help.
As needed, Lifeline will contact either emergency services
or Responders from your list until they reach someone
who is available to help you. If Lifeline cannot reach any of
the Responders you’ve listed, they will dispatch emergency
services to your home.
5. At your request, Lifeline will remain on the line with
you until help arrives.
6. Once your Responder or the emergency service
arrives, they will press the flashing Reset Bar to tell
Lifeline that help has arrived.
The Personal Response Associate will contact the household
to see if additional assistance is needed.
7. Once help is provided, Lifeline will contact the “People
to Notify” you’ve designated, letting them know you
needed help.