
2-4 tbsps green orange liqueur or kiwi liqueur
2 sliced kiwi fruits
1 sliced lemon
12 red cocktail cherries
Some mint leaves
125ml (4.2.oz) whipped cream
Put the sorbet in the coupes. Add the orange
or kiwi liqueur and garnish with the slices of
lemon and kiwi, the cocktail cherries and the
mint leaves.
7.0.25 Pineapple sorbet
225g (8oz) fresh pineapple
300ml (10.oz) syrup (see chapter
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 egg white
100ml (3.3.oz) cold water
Peel the pineapple and remove the hard core
and the eyes. Puree the pineapple, together
with the syrup and the lemon juice. Beat the
egg white until almost stiff. Then stir in the
pineapple mixture. Add the cold water.
Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl.
Preparation time: 40-50 minutes.
7.0.26 Coupe Coppa Cabana
(serves 6 persons)
125g (4.5 oz) washed strawberries, pureed
and mixed with 2 tbsps whipping cream
1 sliced star fruit
2 tbsps soaked raisins
2 tbsps grated chocolate
125ml (4.2.oz) whipped cream
Some fresh mint leaves
6 wafers
Put the ice cream in the coupes. Add the
other ingredients according to your own
7.0.27 Strawberry ice cream mousse
500g (17.6oz) strawberries
300ml (10.oz) syrup (see chapter
juice of 1 lemon
2 egg whites
50ml (1.6.oz) whipping cream
Wash the strawberries. Puree them together
with the lemon juice and the syrup. Beat the
egg whites until almost stiff. Stir the strawberry
mixture into the beaten egg whites and
then pour in the cream. Make sure that all
ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
Switch on the ice cream maker and pour the
mixture into the cooling bowl.
Preparation time: 45-55 minutes.
7.0.28 Coupe Margit
(serves 6 persons)
Strawberry ice cream mousse
6 coupes
6 large washed and sliced strawberries
3 tbsps passion fruit syrup
3 tbsps strawberry liqueur
125ml (4.2 .oz) whipped cream
6 mint leaves
6 wafers
Put the ice cream mousse in the coupes. Pour
the syrup and the liqueur over the ice cream
mousse. Add the other ingredients according
to your own imagination.