A system that creates realistic, three-
dimensional sound À elds. It is usually achieved
with multiple speakers that are arranged around
the listener.
A very common digital still picture format. A
still-picture data compression system proposed
by the Joint Photographic Expert Group, which
features small decrease in image quality in
spite of its high compression ratio. Files are
recognized by their À le extension ‘.jpg’ or ‘.jpeg.’
A À le format with a sound data compression
system. MP3 is the abbreviation of Motion
Picture Experts Group 1 (or MPEG-1) Audio
Layer 3. With the MP3 format, one CD-R or
CD-RW can contain about 10 times more data
than a regular CD.
Parental control
A function of the DVD to limit playback of the
disc by the age of the users according to the
limitation level in each country. The limitation
varies from disc to disc; when it is activated,
playback will be prohibited if the software’s level
is higher than the user-set level.
Playback Control. A system where you navigate
through a Video CD/Super VCD with on-screen
menus that are recorded onto the disc. You can
enjoy interactive playback and search.
Progressive scan
The progressive scan displays twice the number
of frames per second than in an ordinary TV
system. It offers higher picture resolution and