Using a Computer Keyboard
You may connect a personal computer keyboard (wired) to the Internet Terminal.
This will allow you to type information into the text boxes which appear on-screen.
The keyboard must have a PS/2 (6-pin) type connector, and it must be an AT type.
Connect the keyboard to the KEYBOARD jack on the back of the Internet Terminal.
The function keys on a PC keyboard will have different operations once the keyboard
is connected to the Internet Terminal. The keys will have the following functions.
F1 Power
F2 Favorites
F3 Search
F4 Mail
F5 Find
F6 Information
F7 Go To
F8 Save
F9 Send
F10 Recent
F11 Options
F12 No function
Other keyboard keys operate as follows:
Insert Edit text
Home To go back to the WebTV Home Page
Page Up Scroll up in a document
Page Down Scroll down in a document
End To go back to the previous page
Other PC-specific keys have no function when the keyboard is connected to the
Internet Terminal.
You may choose to make a template for your keyboard, identifying the uses of these
keys when connected to WebTV.
Connect the keyboard to the KEY-
BOARD jack on the back of the
Internet Terminal.