
Wireless HiFi Headphone
Specifications Product highlights
Outer Carton
Gross weight: 6.03 kg
Outer carton (L x W x H): 44.9 x 34.5 x 32.9 cm
Nett weight: 3.612 kg
Tare weight: 2.418 kg
Packaging dimensions
Packaging dimensions (W x H x D):
x 30.9 x 10.6 cm
Gross weight: .867 kg
Nett weight: .602 kg
Tare weight: .265 kg
Issue date 2009-02-12
Version: 5.0.7
12 NC: 9082 100 02661
EAN: 87 10895 80711 1
© 2009 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
3-way adjustable ear shells
Enjoy a comfortable fit and experience better bass
performance thanks to the three-way adjustable ear
shells that fit naturally around your ears.
Lightweight design
The durable, lightweight quality materials enhance
comfort for extended wearing.
Automatic Level Control (ALC)
This smart electronic circuit ensures that the audio input
level is automatically adjusted to the right level,
preventing distortion and preserving your listening
32 mm speaker driver
The 32 mm speaker driver is a compact yet powerful
element for delivering non-distorted sound with any given
input power.
FM Wireless transmission
With high frequency FM wireless transmission, which can
even pass through walls, you can even listen to your music
when you're in another room.
2 transmission channels
With a choice of two transmission channels your listening
pleasure is protected because you can easily switch to the
one with the best reception.
Battery included
No need to buy batteries to get started. Just drop the
batteries in and go!