Answering Machine · Listening to Messages 17
6. Recording a New Outgoing Message: Press
OK to record an outgoing message. Wait for the
confirmation tone before you say your text.
7. Press OK to end the recording. The recording is
played back.
Listening to Messages
· Listening to Messages
Listening to Messages
Listening to New Messages
Indication of New Messages
If new messages have been received on the answering
machine, the ä key blinks. The number of the new
messages is shown on the display.
1. Press ä.
2. Confirm with OK.
3. The new messages are played back.
Playing Messages again
1. Press b.
2. Select with [MESSAGES.
3. Confirm with OK.
4. Select with [MESSAGE: PLAY.
5. Confirm with OK. The messages are played back.
Deleting Messages
· Deleting Messages
Deleting Individual Message
During playback, press C and OK in order to delete the
currently playing outgoing message.
Deleting Messages already Played
Deleting New Messages
1. Press b.
2. Select with [MESSAGES.
3. Confirm with OK.
4. Select with [MESSAGE: DELETE.
5. Confirm with OK. The heard messages are deleted.
Setting up Forwarding and
Remote Access
· Setting up Forwarding and Remote Access
Entering Access Code
Access Code
You must enter an access code to be able to receive
transferred messages, or listen to and control your an-
swering machine from other telephones.
Remote Control On/Off
1. Press b.
2. Select with [ACCESS CODE.
3. Confirm with OK.
4. Enter a four-digit code.
5. Confirm with OK.
Forwarding Messages
Forwarding Messages
The device forwards messages to a specified telephone
number. Once the configured number of messages is
reached, the device calls the number. If the call is an-
swered, a greeting text is played. Then the person on
the line must enter the access code. If no code is en-
tered or an incorrect code is entered three times, the
device hangs up.
1. Press b.
2. Select with [FORWARDING.
3. Confirm with OK.
4. Use [ to select whether you would like to switch
forwarding on or off.
5. Confirm with OK.
6. Enter the number to which the received messages
should be forwarded.
7. Confirm with OK.
Length of Outgoing Message
The outgoing message must be longer than
ten seconds.
Listening to Messages
Press # to play the next message. With the
number keys, you can load the desired message
directly. During playback, press C and OK in
order to delete the currently playing outgoing
message. Using [, set the volume. Stop the
playback with j.
Access Function
You can also call the function by pressing
OK, 72 and OK.
Deleting New Messages
Messages not yet heard must be heard first be-
fore deleting them.
Access Function
You can also call the function by pressing
OK, 72 and OK.
Deleting Heard Messages
You can also delete the already heard mes-
sages by pressing C and OK in the starting
Remote Control On/Off
The remote control is switched off with the fac-
tory-installed access code (0000). Change the
access code to switch on the remote control. If
you want to switch the remote control off enter
the factory-installed code (0000) again.
Access Function
You can also call the function by pressing
OK, 79 and OK.
No Identically PIN Codes!
The access code may not be identical to
the VIP code.
Access Function
You can also call the function by pressing
OK, 77 and OK.