
Epson Research and Development
Page 19
Vancouver Design Center
Interfacing to the Motorola MPC821 Microprocessor S1D13505
Issue Date: 01/02/05 X23A-G-008-05
4.5 MPC821 Chip Select Configuration
Chip select 4 is used to control the S1D13505. The following options are selected in the
base address register (BR4):
BA[0:16] = 0000 0000 0100 0000 0 set starting address of S1D13505 to 40 0000h.
AT[0:2] = 0 ignore address type bits.
PS[0:1] = 1:0 memory port size is 16-bit.
PARE = 0 disable parity checking.
WP = 0 disable write protect.
MS[0:1] = 0:0 select General Purpose Chip Select module to control this chip select.
V = 1 set valid bit to enable chip select.
The following options were selected in the option register (OR4):
AM[0:16] = 1111 1111 1100 0000 0 mask all but upper 10 address bits; S1D13505
consumes 4M byte of address space.
ATM[0:2] = 0 ignore address type bits.
CSNT = 0 normal CS
/WE negation.
ACS[0:1] = 1:1 delay CS
assertion by ½ clock cycle from address lines.
BI = 0 do not assert Burst Inhibit.
SCY[0:3] = 0 wait state selection; this field is ignored since external transfer acknowl-
edge is used; see SETA below.
SETA = 1 the S1D13505 generates an external transfer acknowledge using the
WAIT# line.
TRLX = 0 normal timing.
EHTR = 0 normal timing.