Chapter 3: Communication Setup
After you have installed the unit, you must set up communications with ISACC before you
can begin programming. To communicate with ISACC you must have the following:
• IBM PC or compatible with the Microsoft Windows Operating System, an RS232
serial port and/or a Hayes compatible modem and the supplied DB25 cable.
• Dumb terminal with an RS232 serial port and/or a Hayes compatible modem and
the supplied cable DB-25.
Whether you use a PC or a dumb terminal, you may communicate with ISACC in two ways:
1) Locally through the PC or terminal’s RS232 port to ISACC’s RS232 port, or 2) remotely
through a modem connected to the PC or terminal to ISACC’s built-in modem.
This chapter is divided into two sections: 1) SETUP FOR PC, and 2) SETUP FOR TERMI-
NAL. Each section explains how to setup for local and remote communication with ISACC.
Refer to Appendix B for a diagram of the ISACC Board layout.
Included with your unit is a software program designed to be used with your ISACC. Before
using this program please read the ISACC MANAGER for Windows User’s Manual within this